Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I had my first session with the musicians.....rehearsal/rough tracking was the order of the day, and to begin, I got lost.

I drove around for some time, and then when I did find the street, I couldn't see house numbers on anything.
I knocked on a couple of doors - I don't have a cell phone, what else was I supposed to do? and finally asked a couple of passing kids.
They thought I was nuts, but it did help me find the right house.

And there they all were....six insanely talented men in a smelly basement.....oh, yeah, we're talkin' the Snake Pit, and I'm the first Funk Sister.
It was so wonderful, so amazing, to work with people who get it - I've never heard myself sing that well.
I never wanted that night to end, though I hadn't had any dinner, and I was getting a migraine, too.

I can't wait till next time.

Yeah, it's that "wait" thing again.