Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

It's Christmas Day.

At our house, we don't have turkey...we have lasagna! Yes, I know that's odd, but we like the tradition.

And there's no snow here today; it all melted during the last week, and it's in the mid-forties now. It's nice to have a respite from temperatures in the single digits!

Someday, I'd like to record an entire Christmas album, with only one or two of my favorite standards and the rest originals. I think we could use a few more truly classic Christmas carols, don't you?

I hope that all of you have Love this Christmas season...and that the year 2006 is an especially magical one for you, as well.


Sunday, December 04, 2005

More Sessions!

I spent two days this week in the studio....and I've discovered that singing can actually be work!

Of course, it is always tiring to sing with your whole heart and pour yourself into each line, each note...but to sing ONE LINE forty-seven times (or close!) gives a new definition to the word "tiring".

I could hear what I was doing wrong....and MrT, of course, could too, and neither of us were willing to settle for "good enough" on "Dark Angel" is such a beautiful song, and it really deserves perfection.

He said, several times, "I'm sorry to push you so hard," but I am, truthfully, thrilled to be working with someone who takes my songs as seriously as I do, and will fight for just the exact feeling on each phrase with the same unrelenting insistence that I would.

When I came out of the sound booth, we sat and listened, for a minute, to the last half of the song....the half we had slaved over with such intensity - and it was worth it. It was more than worth it!
In the booth, with the headphones on so loudly, I never really sound very good to myself - I can hear every tiny rough edge in my voice, and it's such a...flat sound, not flat as in pitchy, but flat like you're singing into your answering machine flat.

(Which I hope you never do; friends don't let friends make singing messages.)

But sitting in the studio listening, my voice sounded so rich and warmly emotional that I asked him "What did you do to it?" thinking he had added some effect! But he said "Nothing, not yet."

All those things he was saying to me, all the different takes, all the little differences in tone and phrasing really made an incredible difference. I believe it is going to take that song from "pretty" to "knocks your socks off".

We'll see. *smile*

I've recorded almost half of the vocals for the album...I'm very pleased to have come so far.